elastic search 를 설치하면 해당 주소로 이동해 간단한 테스트를 할 수 있다. (주소는 자신에게 맞게 수정) -> Getting started
1. api key 만들기.
-k, --insecure
(TLS SFTP SCP) By default, every secure connection curl makes is verified to be secure before the transfer takes place. This option makes curl skip the verification step and proceed without checking.
When this option is not used for protocols using TLS, curl verifies the server's TLS certificate before it continues: that the certificate contains the right name which matches the host name used in
the URL and that the certificate has been signed by a CA certificate present in the cert store. See this online resource for further details:
For SFTP and SCP, this option makes curl skip the known_hosts verification. known_hosts is a file normally stored in the user's home directory in the .ssh subdirectory, which contains host names and
their public keys.
WARNING: using this option makes the transfer insecure.
curl --insecure https://example.com
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